Salvete, mei amici! If you'd really like to know, I appreciate brightly-colored berets, English teachers, anime, and Switchfoot. And cellos. And friends. And people like you who are kind enough to read my ramblings! :)
Weird word of the day
Floccinaucinihilipilification. No, it is not a word I have made up; It is
an actual word! Who woulda thunk it?
"Rare. the estimation of somet...
Spiritual Gravity
When I was younger, I once visited an exhibition on the life and the works
of Einstein. Besides the famous equation (E=mc2) the thing that I remember
most ...
pictures :D
very random picture.
but I like it because of that.
seeing Ellie was wonderful :D we ran around, got gelato, ate Thai food, and
watched Newsies ^^
The Taste and Feel of Summer
I will admit to being on something of a sensual kick of late; I don't think
I am to blame, honestly. Recently, it's been a lot of fun to reflect on the
Inferno I, 32 by Jorge Louis Borges
"From the twilight of day till the twilight of evening, a leopard, in the
last years of the thirteenth century, would see some wooden planks, some
:::: Some Things ::::
So I haven’t posted in a while, I know. Please forgive me. First, it was
graduating, then camping, then my dear friend got married and then…more
stuff. Lif...
Solo and Rebels S4: On the State of Star Wars
Given that the last half year has given us three of the most important
recent entries in Star Wars history (The Last Jedi, the Rebels series
finale, and no...
Just popping in to say hello, and to let you know I can now be found
(hopefully fairly regularly!) over in my new blog house
Hope to see some ...
A Cottagecore Guide To A Good Summer
[image: cs]
One of the enduring qualities of cottagecore is not the floral print
dresses or picnics in the garden, but rather the emphasis on a quiet life