Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well, that was fun!

Goodness, I hadn't realized how depressed/depressing my last post was...sorry...:)

I'm not sure how much better I've gotten since last I posted, but I have been more and more fully aware of my stupidity! *smiles cheerfully*

That...that's a good thing, right?

Anyways, serving me a good helping of humble pie was very good of God. Didn't taste very good, but I probably just need to get used to it! Bah, what's a bit of unpleasant meat every now and then? Makes ice cream taste a whole lot better, it does...

So, as far as the moving updates are concerned, our official leave date for WA (also known as WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH) is the 21st of January. Ah, Washington...Does everyone want to know how I feel about Washington? Of course! Here, I'll tell you...

The Ode to Washington

Once upon a time you see,
So very long ago,
There was a land of beauty
In which there was no snow.

O, this land was gorgeous
A second Eden in the flesh!
It never rained, never poured
The weather ALWAYS blessed!

Until, one day, it happened...
Inevitably bad
The skies transformed from rays to rain
Thus doomed, was the poor land

Hail and sleet and pouring rain
A veritable swamp
To where did such Utopia fly?
The sun was now quite damp!

The people left, the market died
They left, 'long with the sun.
With some disdaining, the few remaining
Renamed it, Washington


Thank you all for your encouragement as my family and I venture in the wet and wild world of Washington.