Sunday, October 14, 2007

I am fifteen going on sixteen...

As of today, anyways. :) Huzzah for the big 1-5. That's what everyone's been saying to me, along with their nostalgic memories of what it was like when THEY were fifteen. Even some of the fifteen-year-olds. Heh.

Along with this update, there's also more news:

We are moving.

To Washington. Warshington. Hah.


More random sentiments.

N-E-how...yeah. Mayhap I am a bit sad about this. Okay, a lot. Here's why:

Reasons for Sadness:
-It's okay to be a wimp about the weather down here; IT'S NEVER COLD!!!
-My school (we'd be leaving sometime around January...right in the middle of the school year)
-Drama group
-Friends dumb...I don't like it...
-Fri- okay you get the picture...

Yeah, so the list could go on for a good while. On the other hand:

Reasons for Joy:
-The prospect of making new friends
-Being close to most of my relatives on Dad's side; we see them about every other year.
-Buying a house up there is significantly cheaper than doing so down here. Thus, we could save up for college, which is really, really really really reallyreallyreallyreally *pant* really expensive.
-Being as it is that I would love to attend Biola, I would be back down here in about three years; with all my other friends who are hopefully also going to Biola.


1 comment:

Miss Lemon said...

I'm very sad about your moving however... :( You will be greatly missed....