Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I think I said I'd post pictures a long time ago, but now I'm actually going to. :) (I probably accidentally convicted myself with the previous blog post; I am acting on my word! ;D)

This is the epically disturbing Danielle attempting to catch snowflakes. It didn't work.

Oui! It is Columbus! Random fact: Did you know that, in Latin, the word "pigeon" is "Columba"? Thus the name Columbus...:)

This is the Sugar Bomb of Death cake. Made especially for my mom's birthday by my artistic siblings and I.

You know, we saw a hobbit scurry out of here, but he came and went so fast that the camera could quite catch it...;)

We have confirmed that there ARE meese in Washington!

Apparently there are also assassins in WA?! (Actually, my brother just conveniently has a black machete with which to be emo...*pats murderous little fellow*)

This is in the treehouse which is on our property! It is a brilliant treehouse. I claim no relation to the kid in the picture, by the way...:)

Thanks, as always, for reading/looking! And with that, I bid you adieu.



Pauline said...

Ooh, Pictures! :D Thanks for posting, Danielle!

Miss Lemon said...

Yay! Thank you for posting photos Danielle! Est bonus videre te bene. :)