Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today is the sort of day in which the Weather never seems to make up its mind. One moment you're attacked by rays of the prodigal Sun, the next you must dodge for cover and the nearest tea kettle to escape the rain.

Today is a Cookie day.

Today is a good day to compose paintings in soap suds, to sing "Taylor the Latte Boy", to harmonize with a friend to VeggieTales, to drink tea...

To be alive, for Today is alive.

Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it

When we rejoice in Today, everday Today, we rejoice in Tomorrow and Yesterday too. When we choose to "be where we are", when we choose to rejoice in the When of Now, we are rejoicing in every moment.

There are days when the terrible good of God should turn our dancing into sorrow, and when the grief of this world, and our own evils, should render us silent.

But for Today, can we know the joy of the present?


Gabriel said...

What do you think Charles Williams means when he says to "rejoice in all facts"? Aren't there some facts that are evil?

Blarney said...

I was wondering about that myself! Thanks for asking; they are good questions, and I have no idea, really.

The very nature of evil, methinks, is (let us assume, based on our Biblical views! ;) less powerful than good, and thus its days are numbered. Can we rejoice, then, in the fact of evil; in the fact that it cannot stand against God? Or shall we also dwell on the present evil in the world?

Or, is it a part of our limited nature as humans that we cannot comprehend (and therefore, cannot rejoice in) all facts? What do you think?