Salvete, mei amici! If you'd really like to know, I appreciate brightly-colored berets, English teachers, anime, and Switchfoot. And cellos. And friends. And people like you who are kind enough to read my ramblings! :)
Weird word of the day
Floccinaucinihilipilification. No, it is not a word I have made up; It is
an actual word! Who woulda thunk it?
"Rare. the estimation of somet...
Spiritual Gravity
When I was younger, I once visited an exhibition on the life and the works
of Einstein. Besides the famous equation (E=mc2) the thing that I remember
most ...
pictures :D
very random picture.
but I like it because of that.
seeing Ellie was wonderful :D we ran around, got gelato, ate Thai food, and
watched Newsies ^^
The Taste and Feel of Summer
I will admit to being on something of a sensual kick of late; I don't think
I am to blame, honestly. Recently, it's been a lot of fun to reflect on the
Inferno I, 32 by Jorge Louis Borges
"From the twilight of day till the twilight of evening, a leopard, in the
last years of the thirteenth century, would see some wooden planks, some
:::: Some Things ::::
So I haven’t posted in a while, I know. Please forgive me. First, it was
graduating, then camping, then my dear friend got married and then…more
stuff. Lif...
This Moment.
*{this moment}* - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a
moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I
want t...
A Cottagecore Guide To A Good Summer
[image: cs]
One of the enduring qualities of cottagecore is not the floral print
dresses or picnics in the garden, but rather the emphasis on a quiet life
1 comment:
Insight indeed.
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