Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Descent into hell (with cookies!)


Nota Bene! It is strongly advised to not write blog posts right after registering for classes, finding out that a lot of your credits probably won't transfer to your potential universities and that you're not as good at life as you thought you were. (Granted, the experience of humility is a good one, but it doesn't encourage very thoughtful, thankful, joyful, gracious, appreciative or well-balanced blog posts. In fact, about the only use I can see for the previous post is perspective, which is good despite its tendency towards painful recollection...:P)

In other news, Washington is still as rainy as ever. If you happen to be downed by the rain, however, a good remedy is to make and eat gluten-free peanut-butter chocolate chip cookies, which are crafted as follows:

1 cup of sugar
1 cup of peanut butter
1 egg

Preheat the oven to good ol' 375. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in medium bowl, and slap dough in whatever size you'd like onto the modus operandi (aka cookie sheet/stone. Was that the right Latin form, by the way?). If you'd like, you can press the dough down with a fork for both aesthetic and practical purposes, though it isn't really necessary. Cook for 9 to 11 minutes, or until the cookies are slightly browned. Or slightly more brown than peanut butter is to begin with.

Also, a double batch is recommended, because little munchkins will filch them from your cupboards and devour them at the speed of light! :o

Have a blessed day under the Mercy, friends!

1 comment:

MK Reynolds said...

I am sorry you are having a rough time of it! Hang in there! :)

When does school let out?