Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"It was a blustery day in the 100 acre woods..."

Maybe Washington is acting as a parallel universe for the 100 AW, because it sure is windy right now!

So we now have Internet at our house and are abusing it dutifully (Facebook and Gmail are awfully addicting, after all...). I am teaching my siblings art, piano, and Latin; though we've only completed the first art class so far (We studied Van Gogh and his present of his own personally-amputated ear to his ex-girlfriend...Why are the best artists so weird?!).

We still have not found a decent homeschool group, which pains me greatly, as we have no friends in Washington and no real means to find them. Throughout our various bouts of depression/depressing thoughts, my siblings and I are desperately trying to not kill each other, which occasionally proves difficult. :)

I am composing a childrens' book, entitled Columbus the Pigeon (working title, of course). It is about a French fowl searching for the perfect thing to paint for an art contest in France. He travels around the world looking for such an object, and fails miserably until...

He realizes. What does he realize? You'll just have to wait till the next post! Muahahaha! The suspense is killing you, I know... :) I am also in the process of pre-writing a (fantasy-ish) novel about a young artist who works as an apprentice in the Great Library of Something-or-other-Cool-Town-Name. It is fun. It is painful to realize how much work it will require to ever become a good writer, let alone a great writer. (If any of you are following the controversy over Christopher Paolini's Eragon on Bubbs, please ignore it in this particular paragraph. :) It makes me sad that the writing and enjoyment of books has been over-commercialized; whether or not I ever get published in any way, shape or form, I only pray that I may do my best to the glory and honor of God. O, for Tolstoy and Tolkien and Tocqueville! Lewis and Locke! Hobbes and...wait a second...

You know, I'm pretty sure that, if I believed in reincarnation, I was probably one of the architects for the Tower of Babble, because I am rambling a lot on this post...:)

I miss my friends! Hope you are all well!



Gabriel said...

How many siblings do you have? (You have siblings!?) =]

I'd love to see your work!

And about Van Gough and his ear....trust me.....it was the paint. =]

blarney said...

Ah, yes, 3 lovely siblings, consisting of 1 boy and 2 girls. :) *pats siblings*

Wait...are you talking about the artwork, or writing? :S Sorry...:)

That's what I've been told too! I still don't know; because they don't have "actual" evidence for it and some books don't say anything...*psycho music* It's probably a conspiracy. :)

Gabriel said...

Ha! Please say hi to your siblings for me. =]

I meant Artwork, because I already am enjoying your writine. =]

All things considered, Van Gogh was still pretty crazy....=]